Wednesday, October 27, 2010

i got "cake belly"

daddy remembered my birthday and brought me a pumpkin cake (suck it momma). so we had vanilla cake and ice cream for dessert. and momma and daddy sang happy birthday to me (they were kind of out of tune though; momma especially should NOT sing). i don't understand the whole singing and candle thing either. just give me the cake. i've written a new dog birthday poem:

give us this day, our daily cake
vanilla or chocolate, it doesn't matter
just feed it to me now
all of it
not just a weinie little piece
and forget the candles
i don't know how
to blow
them out

not bad for a blonde, huh. i have yet to receive my present though. momma says she has a surprise for me this weekend. i hope the surprise doesn't involve oatmeal shampoo and a visit to the shower of death. yes, i do know what B-A-T-H spells.

but i'm happy now. cake is all i really wanted and recognition that its my special day, and a walk, and to smell some pee and some love from my family.

love and sugar comas,

daisy d. the birthday dog

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