Monday, December 6, 2010

momma, there's mouse parts on the floor

newman killed a mouse last night and left the lower half (and an arm) on the rug. lindy and i want to know where the rest of it is. did newman eat it? does it taste like chicken? maybe mouse brains are a delicacy in other countries.

things are weird here at home. momma doesn't have that work thing anymore, so she's home all day, which is good, except that she doesn't entertain us much. we don't ask for much - although some dancing would be nice and maybe a few more snacks in between. we have been going for very long walks around the lakes. there are ducks there, but momma won't let us chase them. we've been playing a lot with mr. higgins and roxy and skeelo. mr. higgins is my cousin, twice-removed.

momma says we're going on an airplane again. i don't wanna go. the airplane scares me. last time, i thought we were being captured by aliens. turns out, human people get on airplanes all the time, but they never have to ride in the bottom with the bags. i'd like a seat in first class please. i hear there's cheese there and blankets. i don't ask for much - cheese in a blanket would be sufficient.

i'm gonna go to bed now. its kinda late and i'm full and sleepy.

love and flowers,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...I guess they waited for you to come back from Texas to leave mouse parts....there were NONE the entire week I was there! ;)
