Thursday, October 14, 2010

uncle leo

uncle leo got very sick with something called 'fip'. daddy put him in the cage yesterday morning to go to the doctor and leo never came back (i'm never going back to that doctor). daddy said the doctor 'put leo to sleep' so he wouldn't hurt anymore. i wanna know when leo is gonna wake up again. cause the doctor made leo not hurt anymore, all of the rest of us are hurting.

we miss you uncle leo.

i need a hug,



Unknown said...

Dear Daisy ... I am so sorry to hear about Uncle Leo. He was a wonderful Uncle and Friend. He will be missed very much. There is a really good book my human Mama read to me titled: "The Fall of Freddie the Leaf" by "LEO" Buscaglia, Ph.D. The author describes the story of life in terms of a leaf named Freddie. He describes the seasons, spring, summer, fall and then winter when the leaves will die. The story talks about the purpose of life for Freddie -- shading the old people, the people picnicking and the children playing. All of this is a part of the story of life and how spring will follow winter which will bring another summer and so on. No matter how big or small, how weak or strong, we first do our job. We experience the sun and the moon, the wind and the rain. We learn to dance and to laugh. Woof & Snuggles, Parker (Human Brenda's Dog)

Kristin said...

So very sorry sweetie. Had a cat that had this too. Terrible thing to experience. Lots of love to you all...

BigSister said...

Oh Daisy -- lots of love to you and all the people and critters at your house. We are sad for you and wondering what kind of adventures Uncle Leo is up to now.

Wendy, Dave, Zoe, & Jude