Wednesday, September 22, 2010

new yummy goodness - cookies made with cheese!!!!

me and momma baked some cookies the other day -- CHEESE cookies (my favorite next to oreos). my new cute friend carey said that's what we should bake. carey is a dallas girl - dallas is my very favorite city. there's a bar-cat named "bacon" (he actually lives in a bar in dallas) who is making a cookbook to sponsor homeless pets and i want to make sure i have the best dish! if bacon wasn't a cat, i'd eat him. i LOVE bacon too (the cat and the meat product). so anyway, we baked cookies and they were super easy, but i think they need more cheese. i need to taste a few more just to make sure, but momma has eaten most of them herself.

when momma and daddy were gone this weekend, my new favorite people, jalyn and jennifer came to stay with us - see the pic? that's us dragging jalyn down the street. they're super pet sitters cause they patted our heads and rubbed our bellies the whole time and didn't whine about it like daddy does. and they brushed us and walked us and we want to go live with them now.

gotta run; its time for me and lindy to wrestle. i've been watching the wwf and i'm gonna try the cross face chickenwing move on her. she's going down.




Anonymous said...

Thanks Daisy for being such a good girl while Momma & Daddy came to visit. Wish you could have been here too!


Auntie Heidi

Anonymous said...

Add some bacon sprinkle on top and they will be on the cover of the cookbook!
Your #1 fan,